Apr. 5th, 2016 Ontology Working Group Meeting

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Planteome Ontology WG Zoom Meeting

  • Date: Tuesday Apr. 6th, 2016
  • Time: 8:15am PDT (GMT-7)
  • Connection details: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/762470789

- attendees: AM, MAL, LC, PJ, JE, CM, BS

File:Ontology WG Meeting 4-6-16 video.mp4

File:Ontology WG Meeting 4-6-16 audio.m4a


Update on the plans for the PhenoHarmonIS Meeting in Montpellier, 9-13 May 2016


  • First day- Plenary sessions, tool demos
    • GG will give an ontology 101 session
  • Following days hands-on sessions

Agronomy Ontology- Medha Devare and Celine Aubert

  • meta analysis across platforms for agronomic trials
  • trials, variables, measurements, farming practices
  • Modeled after traits in trait dictionaries- is it crop specific then?
  • Goal is to develop it in Owl using protege- currently not available
  • CM: should coordinate with the Food Ontology folks- they will be having a workshop at ICBO

Progress on developing the rice annotation files from IRRI

  • Austin and Marie-Angelique
    • Problems- linking to the GRIMS database or linking to Genesys
    • Using the institute code in Geneysis might allow for direct links to accession numbers
  • taxon is not showing up as it is not in our slim yet
  • awnless is a type of awn color????
  • add accession # to label

ICBO 2016 Call for Papers is open


Deadline is April 25th

Proposed Topics, with suggested lead:

  • Planteome paper- LC
  • Mappings- MAL
  • Annotations project on rice, cassava and lentil, etc - AM


  • Extended Abstract- up to 2 pages
  • Short Papers- up to 4 pages
  • Full Papers- up to 6 pages


Papers will be published in a book of proceedings, not in a journal

AmiGO2 issues continued..

  • Significant changes:
    • Actual browser functionality
    • Neighborhood tab (was ancestors and children)
    • All relations will be displayed
    • annotations by species

Plant Trait Ontology updates

  • Recent revisions and changes to the equivalence axioms etc
  • Planning to do release soon- by end of this month

Other Items- Tabled for next meeting

  • Presentation for Biocuration meeting- Marie-Angelique
  • Progress on the development of the V. 5 trait dictionaries- Marie-Angelique and/or Leo
  • OBA development- Chris Mungall- moved to April 26th

Upcoming Meetings and Workshops

Biocuration 2016, April 10th-14th, 2016; Geneva, Switzerland

GARNet/Egenis Workshop: Integrating Large Data into Plant Science, April 21st-22nd 2016, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon

  • Elizabeth and George are going, EA will present Planteome as part of her talk

Meeting in Montpellier, 9-13 May 2016

Link to tentative agenda/website: [1]

BioOntologies SIG of the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB); July 8-12, 2016, Orlando, Florida

  • Dates: July 8th and 9th, with July 9th being the “Phenotype Day”, focused on the systematic description of phenotypes.
    • Short papers, up to 4 pages (will be published in JBMS)
    • Poster abstracts, up to 1 page
    • Flash updates, up to 1 page

7th International Conference on Biological Ontology and BioCreative 2016 Aug 1st to 4th, Corvallis, OR