Planteome Image Annotation Working Group: Difference between revisions

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*''Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP):'' Justin Preece
*''Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP):'' Justin Preece
*''Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS):'' Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen
*''Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS):'' Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen
*''UCSB / Bisque Group'':  
*''UCSB / Bisque Group'': Kris Kvilekval


Revision as of 22:21, 11 June 2015

Goals and Objectives

Detailed Software Specification

Tentative Development Timeline (based on current staffing and resources)

More about AISO, plus downloads.

Phase 1: Spring-Summer 2015

Objective: Implement asynchronous user-directed graph cuts in the Bisque environment.


  • Build a Bisque module that allows the user to “mark up” an uploaded image, submit that markup to the Bisque server for graph cut segmentation, and receive the segmented results as a layered annotation.
  • Build and integrate a separate feature into the metadata space to allow annotation of image segments with ontology terms (eventually provided remotely via web service.)

Phase 2: Summer-Fall-Winter 2015

Objective: Implement “wired” ontology metadata. Interactive, single-session graph cut segmentation of multiple, potentially overlapping segments on one image.


  • Allow the user to provide multiple mark-up lines and perform one or more segmentations on an image in near-real time, during a single user session. Will also allow revision tracking for multiple undo-redo steps as required by the user.
  • Enhance the segmentation feature to render and manage multiple segment objects on a single image, with appropriate overlap, translucency, and inter-segment navigation capabilities.

Phase 3: 2016-2017


  • Implement machine-learning (“active learning”) algorithms to optimize segmentation and to auto-annotate plant images
  • Optimize for very large, hi-res images (tiling? scaling?)
  • Enable use of localized ontology reference data (a la custom ontologies provided by the user, or in an uploaded file)


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece, Justin Elser
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Sinisa Todorovic, Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen (Yao Zhou has left the project)
  • iPlant-Bisque Group (UCSB): Kris Kvilekval, Dmitri Federov, B.S. Manjunath

Image Annotation Working Group Meetings

Initial Project Meeting: Jan 23, 2015

(Conf. call arranged and hosted on Zoom by Martha Narro, iPlant)


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Pankaj Jaiswal, Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Sinisa Todorovic, Yao Zhou
  • iPlant-Bisque Group (UCSB): Kris Kvilekval, Dmitri Federov, B.S. Manjunath


  • (Re-)Introductions
  • Planteome AISO/Bisque proposal review
  • Discussion of broad project objectives
  • Scheduled next meeting (will be a technical meeting)

Action Items

  • Justin send Yao the AISO documentation
  • Kris and Dmitry send Yao (and all) pointers to Bisque documentation and Google group.
  • Yao: begin to get familiar with Bisque and the AISO Java codebase.

AISO Demo (OSU Only): Tue, Jan 27, 1 PT


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Sinisa Todorovic, Yao Zhou, Xu Xu


  • Demos and technical introductions to AISO and codebase
  • Preliminary list of features desired to port to Bisque

Tech Demo Meeting: Thu, Jan 29, noon PT/1p MT

(Conf. call arranged and hosted on Zoom by Martha Narro, iPlant)


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Pankaj Jaiswal, Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Sinisa Todorovic, Yao Zhou, Xu Xu
  • iPlant-Bisque Group (UCSB): Kris Kvilekval, Dmitri Federov


  • Demos and technical introductions to Bisque development environment and AISO functionality
    • Second grad student developer (Xu Xu) added from Sinisa's group
  • Discuss IGC segmentation algorithm
  • Discuss implementation of a Bisque ontology service
  • Project planning and timelines
  • Discussed possible attendance at May 14-15 Bisque developer workshop at U of Arizona

Tech Dev Meeting: Tue, Feb 10, 1p PT


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Yao Zhou, Xu Xu


  • Discussed approaches to functionality ahead of Bisque tech mtg
    • Latency in Bisque's current round-trip approach to Graph Cuts segmentations - is it the round-trip or the graph cuts that takes so long? (JP thinks it's the round trip)
    • IGC segmentation algorithm - DCU and Bisque implementations different? (don't know yet)
    • Discuss implementation of segmentation module: general use-case
      • how to capture and transmit user input (foreground/background markup)
      • how to return segmentation results
      • emphasized importance of lean data communication, layered segments, overlap capabilities, undo/redo, how to store points sets and annotation data (in generic data structure terms)
  • Project planning and timelines: define an iterative dev approach (multiple phases, with modest & clear initial goals)
    • will flesh out in mtg w/ Bisque team

Bisque Dev Env Setup Meeting: Thu, Feb 12, 1p MT

(Skype call)


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece, Justin Elser
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Yao Zhou, Xu Xu
  • iPlant-Bisque Group (UCSB): Kris Kvilekval, Dmitri Federov


  • Sort out issues in setting up Dev environment for YZ, XX
  • Tour of Bisque module XML templates and sample MatLab image annotation script
  • Define technical approach and requirements for the first phase of software development.
    • Discuss appropriate graph cuts algorithm (will probably use an implementation of Kolmogorov graph cuts
    • Discuss latency in Bisque's current round-trip approach to Graph Cuts segmentations

Action Items

  • JP - draft requirements documentation for both the initial round of development, as well as more general objectives for the rest of the Planteome Image Annotation efforts
  • All - review, discuss, and bicker over said requirements documentation.  :)
  • YZ, XX, DF, KK - Troubleshoot dev environment setup for YZ and XX.
  • Next mtg: TBD

PIA Phase 1 Specification Meeting: Fri, Mar 13, 2p PT

(Planteome Zoom call)


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Yao Zhou, Xu Xu
  • iPlant-Bisque Group (UCSB): Kris Kvilekval


  • Revise specs for the first phase of software development
  • Continue Dev environment setup with YZ, XX

Action Items

  • JP - schedule next meeting for late next week (objectives: put timelines on Phase 1, discuss Phase 2/3 goals)
  • KK - complete slimmed-down Bisque dev env deployment package for local installs
  • All - think about rough timelines for Phase 1 activities
  • YZ, XX, DF, KK - Cont. troubleshooting dev environment setup for YZ and XX.
  • Next mtg: TBA (3/20?)

PIA Phase 1 Timeline Meeting: Thu, Apr 23, 10a PT

(Cord 3084)


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Sinisa Todorovic, Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen


  • Discuss personnel changes: Yao Zhou is leaving the project. Ryan Kitchen (undergrad CS) is joining.
  • Discuss timeline for Phase 1
  • ST raised the issue of being able to run multiple visual analysis steps in a multi-step "pipeline" within this proposed module. Taken under advisement for future phases; and will factor into the initial architecture as much as possible.

Action Items

  • JP - schedule official bi-weekly standing PIA developer meeting
  • KK - complete slimmed-down Bisque dev env deployment package for local installs
  • Next mtg: TBA

PIA Working Group Bi-Weekly Conf Call: Thu, Apr 30, 2p PT



  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen
  • UCSB / Bisque Group: Kris Kvilekval


  • Discuss installation of local Bisque engine package
  • Discuss software development timeline and progress
  • Prep for UCSB Workshop

Action Items

  • XX and JP meet to prep prez and AISO demo for UCSB workshop

PIA Prez Prep Mtg: Tue, May 5, 11:30a PT

(Cord 3084)


  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen


  • Prep for UCSB Big Data + Bio-Image Workshop
  • Fix AISO installation on MacBook

Action Items

  • JP and XX to add and edit assigned slides

PIA Working Group Bi-Weekly Conf Call: Thu, May 28, 3p PT



  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece, Justin Elser
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen
  • UCSB / Bisque Group: Kris Kvilekval


  • Software development progress
  • Any ongoing issues with the local BisQue engine?

Action Items

  • RK is working on the client-side interface
  • XX is working on the local engine config and server-side Matlab graph cuts dev
  • JP will set up new Planteome repo for PIA source code
  • JP will set up new Planteome-Bisque dev mailing list

PIA Working Group Bi-Weekly Conf Call: Thu, Jun 11, 2p PT



  • Jaiswal Lab (OSU, BPP): Justin Preece
  • Todorovic Group (OSU, EECS): Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen
  • UCSB / Bisque Group: Kris Kvilekval


  • New mailing list for this group:
  • Software progress
    • Start using new Planteome repo:
      • Commit current work now, please
      • Need to get KK, DF added to GitHub team
    • Take a look at RK's laptop environment and UI work for our Bisque module
    • XX: progress on local engine config and server-side Matlab graph cuts development
  • Dennis Stevenson @ NYBG: in situ images


  • updated Bisque engine coming soon (5.8)...
  • good example modules: NuclearDetector3D (latest/greatest), PHFDetector, NuclearFilter (reads Mex for input/pipelining)
  • initial module code added to repo; initial matlab scripts coming shortly...

Action Items

  • RK adding base module to new repo; adding background blue line markup to existing foreground red line markup
  • XX finish engine config, add base Matlab graph cuts scripts to repo
  • RK and XX create and confirm round-trip "ping" from client to server within Bisque dev module

Conferences and Workshops

Please see: Planteome_Outreach