Planteome Ontology Development and Coordination Working Group

Revision as of 12:30, 20 January 2015 by Cooperl (Talk | contribs)

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Kick Off Meeting: Monday January 5th, 2015

Goal: Discuss the coordination between the NSF Planteome Project and the Crop Ontology. Who: EA, LC and PJ

1. Progress and Updates on the Crop Ontology (

2. Ontology development and serving to users:

  • With NSF's investment, they have certain requirements- need to minimize the duplication of efforts
  • Centralized location for the ontology repositories- can be served to various portals as needed
  • Need reliable system of versioning for the ontologies
  • Refernce ontologies need to be updated and expanded

3. Annotations and linking- vision of how the data is going to be shared

4. Online resources web services, provide links to databases